Tagawa Yukifumi (田川行文)

Yukifumi TAGAWA was a gozoku (a member of a local ruling family) who lived in the Kamakura period, who claimed to be the gunji (district manager) of Tagawa District, headquartered in Tagawa District, Dewa Province (or Uzen Province as a result of the later division of the Province) (currently Tagawa District, Tsuruoka City). He was a roto (retainer) of the Oshu-Fujiwara clan.

Personal Profile
He is commonly known as Taro TAGAWA.

In 1189, when the Kamakura bakufu planned Oshu-seibatsu (the Kamakura bakufu's military campaign against the Fujiwara clan in northern Japan), Yukifumi was ordered by his lord FUJIWARA no Yasuhira to ally with Munebumi AKITA in order to fight against Yoshikazu HIKI, who marched to the north from Echigo province, and the Bakufu force led by Sanemasa USAMI. Yukifumi lost the battle and his severed head was gibbeted.

Yukifumi's gravestone is located at the north end of Aza-Renka-dera Temple in Tagawa District, Tsuruoka City, where Renka-dera Temple which, was the family temple of the Tagawa clan, was said to have been located.

[Original Japanese]